


  • 命名避免使用中文字符(如id=“内容”);
  • 命名不能以数字开头(如id=“1header”);
  • 命名不能使用关键字(如id=“div”);
  • 命名应尽量用最少的字母表达含义,使之简明、易懂。





模块 命名 模块 命名
头部 header 标签页 tab
内容 content/container 文章列表 list
尾部 footer 提示信息 msg
导航 nav 小技巧 tips
子导航 subnav 栏目标题 title
侧栏 sidebar 加入 joinus
栏目 column 指南 guild
左右中 left right center 服务 service
登录条 loginbar 注册 register
标志 logo 状态 status
广告 banner 投票 vote
页面主体 main 合作伙伴 partner
热点 hot CSS文件 命名
新闻 news 主要的 master.css
下载 download 模块 module.css
菜单 menu 基本共用 base.css
子菜单 submenu 布局,版面 layout.css
搜索 search 主题 themes.css
友情链接 frIEndlink 专栏 columns.css
页眉 header 文字 font.css
页脚 footer 表单 forms.css
版权 copyright 补丁 mend.css
滚动 scroll 打印 print.css

CSS Zen Garden禅意花园中有这样一段话~

View source is a feature, not a bug. Thanks for your curiosity and   interest in participating!


Here are the submission guidelines for the new and improved csszengarden.com:


– CSS3? Of course! Prefix for ALL browsers where necessary.-CSS3?当然!必要时为所有浏览器添加前缀。
– go responsive; test your layout at multiple screen sizes.-快速响应;以多种屏幕大小测试布局。
– your browser testing baseline: IE9+, recent Chrome/Firefox/Safari, and iOS/Android-您的浏览器测试基准:ie9+、最新的chrome/firefox/safari和ios/android
– Graceful degradation is acceptable, and in fact highly encouraged.优雅降级是可以接受的,事实上非常鼓励。
– use classes for styling. Don’t use ids.使用类样式。不要使用id。
– web fonts are cool, just make sure you have a license to share the files. Hosted services that are applied via the CSS file (ie. Google Fonts) will work fine, but  most that require custom HTML won’t. TypeKit is supported, see the readme on this page for usage instructions: https://github.com/mezzoblue/csszengarden.com/


And a few tips on building your CSS file:


– use :first-child, :last-child and :nth-child to get at non-classed elements

-使用:first child、:last child和:nth child获取非类元素

– use ::before and ::after to create pseudo-elements for extra styling


– use multiple background images to apply as many as you need to any element


– use the Kellum Method for image replacement, if still needed. http://goo.gl/GXxdI



– don’t rely on the extra divs at the bottom. Use ::before and ::after instead. 




CSS Zen Garden

CSS Zen Garden